Increase The Cost Of Medical Research Essay

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Over the course of medical history, many medications have been developed to prescribe to patients. With a constant improvement of medicine, new research was conducted to develop better medicine to replace the past medications. However, to begin new research, funding is needed to consider starting the research. To continually be able to fund research, many pharmaceutical companies have raised the prices of current medications. The inflation of pharmaceutical medications has created much uproar amongst the consumers. The consumers are faced with the problem of being able to continually afford their medications. Consumers are arguing that their affordable health care is no longer affordable. Whereas the pharmaceutical companies are arguing that the inflation is to help better medicine by using the profits for research. The situation boils down to one question: should pharmaceutical companies be able to increase the cost of prescription medications that are high in demand? While in some cases the increased profit has been used to fund research, in many other cases, the pharmaceutical companies have been reaping the excess profits. Private companies should not be able to drastically increase the price for prescription drugs because they pose a …show more content…

These companies justify their price increase as funding for research to find a better drug that can replace the current drug. As recorded in The Price of Innovation: New Estimates of Drug Development Costs, “Although the industry engages in many forms of innovation, in general the most significant is the discovery and development of new chemical and biopharmaceutical entities that become new therapies.” To continually develop new, ground breaking medicine, the pharmaceutical companies need to raise their prices to help fund the research. If there is no money in the research funds, then the budget inhibits further

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