How To Write A Chapter Summary Of Saving Normal By Allen Frances

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Allen Frances spends his time concluding his thoughts about the DSM and diagnostic inflation in the third part of “Saving Normal”. Frances appears to be passionate about reducing over-diagnosing and unnecessary medication. Frances did a good job providing us with ways that can change the future of diagnosis. Having a complete culture change will be difficult, but we can begin by educating ourselves. On Chapter 7, Frances describes ways the diagnostic inflation can be tamed. He stated, “We are spending a fortune fighting the losing war against illegal drugs, while barely lifting a finger to fight an easily winnable war against the misuse of legal grips”(p. 211). Before reading this book, I would have never imagined that we had a problem with people being prescribed an excessive amount of drugs they do not need. I agreed with Frances when he mentioned ways big pharma could be tamed such as reducing or removing advertisements on televisions, magazines or internet. Advertisements are very powerful and pharmaceutical companies have snuck their way into the homes of individuals. While I was reading France’s ideas, I agreed with a lot of them, but I felt that the people are still …show more content…

The story that impacted me the most was Mindy’s story about her diagnosis of schizophrenia. It was upsetting to learn about how one misdiagnosis can completely change a person’s life. France’s response to the misdiagnosis was insightful. He stated, “She taught me always to look for what’s fundamentally normal in people, not just what appears to be sick”(p. 247). I felt this quote was powerful because we often forget to treat people like human beings. Our culture tends to label people if they do not appear normal and that affects how a person values themselves. We should be conscious of the way we talk about individuals suffering with a diagnosis and treat them as a

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