In Radley Balko's Essay What You Eat Is Your Business

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Thirty years ago, overweight children were barely one in ten, but now, in 2015, one in three American children are not only overweight but obese. This problem has reached epidemic proportions and has made established writers write what they think is the source and offer solutions to the problem. Radley Balko is a self-proclaimed libertarian that writes about civil liberties and the criminal justice system to promote limited government and individual freedom. He writes “What You Eat Is Your Business” because the government has been pushing for more federal control of health care and passed a new law that makes people pay for others healthcare. He repeats several times that people should be responsible for themselves, not other people, not the companies, and definitely not the government. On the other hand, Michael Moss is an established writer on the topic of healthy eating habits and fighting for the consumer. He won the 2010 Pulitzer prize for this article “That burger that shattered her life” This article that is …show more content…

This problem causes spiking healthcare costs for healthy people because they are also paying for the unhealthy people’s problems. In the beginning he explains why its not right for government to ban vending machines and junk food in schools for them to represent “responsible” behavior. Going on the describe how state legislatures have spent $200m of tax money to battle obesity. Blatantly stating that healthy people are paying for obese peoples health needs and that is simply wrong In Balko’s mind it is completely wrong that people should have to pay for others problems. Which is the main part of the text and gets reemphasized many times. Balko’s article makes a thought-provoking persuasive point on the de-regulation of the government on our lives promoting the libertarian

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