Improving Your Overall Health

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If you want to lose or maintain your weight you will need a healthy diet, as well as being active. Physical activities are very good for you they don't just only help you maintain your weight or lose it, they also help you prevent chronic diseases, improves your mood, increases your energy level and improves your quality of sleep. When you walk, garden, go for a family bike ride or go to the gym and run on a treadmill, you just have to be active. Just the little things will always help. You don't have to run the marathon or go to the gym and get super sweaty to exercise, those little things can have a big impact on your overall health.
You also need to know how much physical activity is enough. Experts recommend 150 minutes of physical activity every week for just the basic health benefits, but if you were going to try to lose weight then you may need more than just 150 minutes. You make a schedule for yourself and spread out your exercises throughout the week to reach you goal of 150 minutes or more. You should always do strength strengthening exercises as well such as lifting weights, yoga, push ups at least twice a week to maintain muscles if you wanted to build them then you would increase the amount of times you work on them per week. Children should get 60 minutes …show more content…

Chose the activities you like to do because then you'll be more likely to stick with them then chose if you like to be inside or outside, with people or without, and the days that are best for you. Exercise with a partner because you'll be more likely to exercise more and have fun. Congratulate yourself if you see changes in you body or if you're maintaining your weight. Change your activities each day so you won't become bored but stick to your schedule and exercise daily if you

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