Importance Of Routines

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The importance of routines and how it meets children's emotional needs- Routines are very important for young children as it makes them settle in the setting better and helps them more too get used too everything. Children like too have a structured day where they know what too expect during their day. Routines makes the day flow better for all and more organised makes the environment more relaxed which will make the children more content, which may make their behaviour more positive throughout the day as they will want too play nicely with their friends. Routines make it better for staff too as having set times things are done means things are less likely too be forgotten about. When things happen everyday at the same times it makes children …show more content…

If the child goes into the garden for example they can have the freedom and choice too run around whereas inside when during quieter times they cant. So it gives them the opportunity to do things they cant do during the quiet sessions so they can begin to learn different rules for physical and quiet periods and things they can and cant do for both. Children also need to exercise their muscles and burn off calories. On the other hand, they also need quiet periods too wind down for meal times, activity times or bed times etc. Too relax and calm them down. Also so when doing activities they can concentrate on some learning time for example drawing, or writing or discussing things for example talking about shapes or numbers. So effectively they have time too play physically as they wish and also sit quietly and focus on something potentially educational for example or play on a different level to as they would outside or when doing something more …show more content…

Nappy changing, going toilet and mealtimes. Helping the children with these essential needs makes the child feel comfort, supported and reassured. We support these needs by having set and regular times that they have to be done by and keeping records of what they have eaten throughout day too inform parents and what there nappies were for each change. Its important to have set times and keeping too the routine making sure it is consistent for example at the setting we do nappies at 9, at 11 before dinner and sleep time (for some children) 2, when those children are waking and 4 after tea, and before children start going home. We also have to check nappies every half an hour and if necessary we need t change any child who has soiled before they must be change regardless. When taking children to the toilet it is important to take a group of children because this may encourage children to go more seeing others doing it and they may feel not alone and more comfortable having others company. We also have too ask children who are toileting every half hour if they need to go to prevent accidents. Once children have finished its important too encourage child to empty/clean potty or flush toilet then illiterate how important it is too wash/dry hands too prevent bacteria. Furthermore, having routines at mealtimes is vital for example dinner is same time everyday so children can

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