Importance Of Professional Behaviour In Nursing

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Professional behavior is something that all nurses from students to experienced nurses must work through all the time. This is because nurses are at all times working within the public eye. Thus they must be transparent to uphold standards. Though this can have some drawbacks due malicious people wishing to slander nurses or vent their own frustrations. Behavior must also be maintained by the nurse themselves, always seeking to be life long learners." A dedication to self-regulations and the exercise of discretionary judgement. "Other factors include how a nurse ins dressed and how they present themselves to the public. A simple but effective way that we are able to show that a nurse is ready and able to preform the job is having a clean and tidy uniform. At males this can mean coming to the hospital clean shaven and wearing the correct footwear. For females this can include having long hair tied up and being made up and jewelry free.
For a nurse there is a range of standards that we must behold ourselves too. The first one is honesty, a nurse must be honest in not only their work life but all parts of one's life. It would range from being truthful in the results they write in a person's charts after a procedure. To give correct informed consent to a person so they may make a decision knowing all available options. A time when honesty is hard is when a patient becomes available for palliative care. Someone who …show more content…

It is because you must follow correct professional boundaries with a right behavior. If you do not, you risk yourself as a nurse or the general public. It can happen when a nurse does not follow the correct behavior's expected of them. If they are not dressed in a suitable style that is passed down by their employer. When this happens a nurse must be able to follow correct procedure, while still having an appropriate behavior that is expected of

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