Importance Of Primary Education In Nigeria

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One of the Eight Millennium Declaration of Human Rights is to “achieve universal primary education.” This goal is very important because education is the backbone to success. If the citizens of the country are not properly taught, they won’t have jobs to work in. Without education, people won’t know about diseases and how to cure them. Education can help less developed countries because literacy rates would increase. People would be able to work in jobs and the GDP would grow, reducing poverty. And life expectancy would increase because the citizens will be educated about their sicknesses.
This goal is being addressed in Nigeria, but not every Nigerian has the opportunity to go to school and not every Nigerian reaches the standards that need to be met in teaching. Even though about 66% of the kids are being educated, they all aren’t getting the quality education they need. About 10.5 million kids that should be going to primary school in Nigeria are not allowed access to go out of the 61 million in the world. This number is the highest in the world. The examination results are very low and the limited amount of money they are putting towards the schools, teachers, and the education proves how poor the quality of this system is. Nigeria’s government only spends 9% of its funds on education, which actually has reduced because it was about 11% in 1999, while neighboring country Burkina Faso spends about 17%.
Leymah Gbowee is an inspiration, helping Liberia out of a civil war in 2003. During Liberia’s second civil war, many of the women were raped and hurt. Leymah helped establish a peace movement for women to stand up against the government. Without using violence, the women set up peace talks to earn their rights. S...

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... be doing by donating money is helping trained professional from all over the world or just volunteers with a high education to come down to Nigeria and help tutor the kids and teach a class on their own. This will give volunteers a nice experience to interact with kids and learn the Nigerian culture, while the kids will be getting an education. There can be a switch of volunteers every year so that the old volunteers can go back home to their families and the new can get the learning experience. This solution will be helping both the kids and the volunteers which is also a great way to help achieve primary education in Nigeria. They should also help build little buildings so that the volunteers have a place to teach, for extra practice, to the kids of Nigeria. With organizations and the help of the UN, Nigeria can be lead to a road of success in education.

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