Importance Of Natural Resources Essay

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Natural resources
Natural resources are minerals/materials found naturally in the environment or in the earth that have economic value. Natural resources are very useful for humans as they are used in our daily life few common example of natural resources uses are (Water, Oil, Salt, Gas, Wood and Coal etc.).
Natural Resources also include atmosphere, sunlight, land and all minerals including the Plants and vegetables, animals. Everything that Human uses is composed of natural resources if it’s the food (vegetables, meat etc.) They eat or the clothes (wool, leather etc.) They wear or the resources (Coal, Wood etc.) they use in cold weather to keep them warm.

Classification of Natural Resources
Natural Resources are further categorized into …show more content…

Pakistan shares 650 miles of coastline on the Arabian Sea and with the Gulf of Oman. The west is bordered by Afghanistan and Iran. India is in the east of Pakistan and China touches Pakistan border in the far northeast. The country is advantageously located between South Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East. Pakistan is a land of valuable natural resources. Pakistan is one of the most well-known richest country in Natural resources in the world. Pakistan has many natural resources such as Oil, Gas, coal, water, gemstones, copper, uranium, gold, salt, Chromite, and agricultural land …show more content…

The coastline is about 814 kilo meters and fishery assets still have room to grow more over. Fishing in Pakistan is a main source of export earnings or income for poor sailors.
Pakistan is rich in various natural resources. Pakistan’s human assets include a population of intelligent young people and urban middle class. The culture, awareness, fortune, and structure are sure to develop and improve in the near future.

Gem stones
A number of precious stones are mined and polished for local as well as export purposes. The center point of this operation is Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. These includes Hessonite, Redingotes, Agate, Idiocrasy, Rutile, Aquamarine, Jadeite, Ruby, Amazonite, Kunzite, Serpentine, Azurite, Cyanate, Spessartine (garnet), Beryl, Margarita, Spinel, Emerald, Moonstone, Topaz, Epidote, Parasite, Tourmaline, Garnet (almandine), Peridot, Turquoise, Garnet (green, grossularite), Quartz (citrine & others) and Vesuvianite. The export from these gems is more than 200 Million

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