The Theme Of Morality In The Picture Of Dorian Gray

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(In the Berea Coffee and Tea Shop sitting on a couch is Ms. Crockett drinking Mocha, Ms. Cocker drinking organic tea, and Lord Henry drink a Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino in with bendy straw)
Ominica Crockett: Do you know I always found the book The Picture of Dorian Gray to have such a questioning theme about Morality. When looking at Lord Henry his life seems to be fine though he is the one who corrupts Dorian. Dorian life seems fine if he could forget the picture, he’s young, handsome and rich. So what his conscience might be ruined, at least in this world he has the perfect life.
Ms. Crocker: What is going on in your mind Ominica, Dorian life was terrible because of the immoral thing that he did. Just because he was handsome does not mean …show more content…

I read somewhere that, “To the aesthete, there is no distinction between moral and immoral acts, only between those that increase or decrease one’s happiness” (Duggan). I lived a similar life to that of Dorian, and I am not dead. Instead, I am in the presence of not a completely boring company, drink on this nonsense which cost five dollars. Please tell me why Ms. Crocker, should a person, not increase, their happiness, would you rather we all walk around babbling idiots who seem depressed all the …show more content…

Crockett: Ms. Crocker, you bring out good points that are true about Dorian is Immoral and how it only does not affect him but think about it. He tried to change to be good, and his picture still became more grotesque. Yes, you could say that he was not truly trying to become pure, as he was in the when Lord Henry was first introduced to him, but people change. Life changes us, and the idea that Dorian still thought he could change, and become a better person should have proved that his morals or intentions had nothing to do with that painting. It was the painting that changed him. Oscar Wilde Once said that “Life imitates art, more than art imitates life.” I truly believe that the life Dorian had years after the death of Sybil can be explained through that quote. It was not until Dorian looked at the picture of himself, then he notices that terrible things in his life. Leading me to my first opinion that Dorian Gray should not have worried about his morals, and everything would have been

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