Importance Of Human Needs

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All humans have certain needs that need to be addressed in order to live a fulfilled life. These needs are important as they help reveal what drives human behavior and what makes people want to achieve certain things in life. Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist, stated that needs exist in a hierarchy. There are five basic needs: physiological (basic), safety (comfort), love/belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. The needs start from the basics such as food, water, clothing, etc., which are needed for survival all the way up to self-actualization, which is when a person has reached his or her full potential. He stated that a person cannot reach self-actualization without achieving the other needs. After all, these needs are just a list of human motivators. Along with our personal motivations, often times our religious practices also play into factor of how we are motivated to live our lives. …show more content…

Surprisingly, even terror groups such as ISIS have managed to appeal to regular people using the very human needs Maslow studied. The important thing that needs to be taken into consideration is that these needs have been twisted and changed to better suit the group 's intentions. The human needs addressed by ISIS are more like offers made to get new recruits. This is a terrorist group based on its distorted views on the Islamic faith. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria addresses six human needs: certainty, uncertainty/variety, love and connection, significance and growth, and contribution. It is quite interesting to understand how each of these needs plays a crucial role in the life of its

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