Importance Of Happiness And Happiness

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8. Recognize Their Needs This requires some emotional intelligence, and it is a powerful way to make other people happy. If you can recognize how other people are feeling or what they are likely thinking, then you can do things to make them happy. For instance, if you see that someone is obviously feeling lonely, then you can reach out and talk to them. If you see someone is separated from someone they love on a plane, and obviously unhappy about it, then you can offer to change seats and let them sit together. By paying attention to other people you can recognize what will make them happier in the moment and then act on it. 9. Point Out The Positives Unhappy people are focused on negative things. They can 't see the positive because they are …show more content…

Pick Up The Tab People expect to have to pay for things they want. A dinner, a coffee, or an entrance fee into a park are all things that people know they have to pay for. If you can pick up the tab once in a while, you can save someone a few bucks that they can spend somewhere else, and I guarantee that will make someone happy. You can do it for your friends, family, and coworkers, but you can also do it for strangers. For instance, if you are at a coffee shop drive thru, listen to the person ordering behind you and decide if you can afford to pay for their order. If you can, pay for it. You will make their day, and as a bonus, you will make the cashier 's day as they witness an act of kindness that doesn 't happen that often. 15. Make Them Feel Useful If someone is feeling down, they are not feeling very good about themselves. If you can make them feel useful, then you can improve their perception of themselves and help them feel happier. This is so easy to do that there is no reason you can 't do it with anyone. Asking someone to open a jar is often enough to help them feel better. However, you can ask for all sorts of things that require their knowledge or assistance, even if it seems a bit

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