Importance Of Grammar In The 21st Century

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“Your grammar is a reflection of your image. Good or bad, you have made an impression, you are in total control.” Jefferey Gitomer an author, professional speaker, and business trainer. Many schools are thinking about changing the level of grammar being taught. Grammar is the study of words,how it is said and how you use it in a sentence. Grammar is relevant in the 21st century because it helps convey our ideas, it affects the leadership role in the working world, and many jobs require clear writing as an essential skill. Grammar helps you understand what people are trying to get through to you and their ideas about the topic. According to T.Rowe Price, who works on employees’ communication skills, says “so much is driven by the written …show more content…

According to author for The New York Times, Douglas Rushkoof “it distinguishes the worker who takes direction from the boss who can leverage the power of text to write down instructions and leave them for someone else.”[It’s Not Just Grammar; It’s Clear Thinking] This suggest that grammar is important to become a leader because the boss, who is the leader, uses the power of grammar to tell his/her employee what he/she wants, so grammar is part of their leadership skill. Kelley Holland, a business journalist for CNBC, points out that with jobs that require important investments decisions the leader of that job has to be able to understand the requirements and know if the investment is good for the company or not. So being a leader you make important decisions that affect the company, so you need to know grammar so you can communicate well in result you would be a good leader. Author for The New York Times, John McWhorter, says “however, beyond those jobs that are largely about communication-taking dictation,writing technical directions and blog entries,taching school, etc.-requirements that viable candidates write with Strunk and White on their minds are highly questionable.” [Good Applicants With Bad Grammar] Therefore, taking rules like dictation,writing technical direction and blog entries,teaching schools,etc are examples of leadership and with the help of grammar people achieve these leadership opportunities. Grammar helps you lead people but it takes big toll on whether you get the job you want or

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