Importance Of Environmental Protection Npos

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Environmental Protection NPOs and the strive to save the Environment Conserving environment has become one of the most important issues of 21st century. There has been a significant rise in the establishment of environmental protection NPOs around the world, these Non-profit organization not only protect environment but also raise awareness of declining climate changes among people. In this essay I will discuss the efforts of NPOs in the environmental protection and the difficulties these organization encounter during their work. Firstly, as mentioned above the main aim for environmental NPOs is to raise awareness of the climate changes among people. Many people around the world do not know about the problems that our environment is currently …show more content…

For example green groups in Pakistan have plans to plant 1 billion trees to combat the rising carbon dioxide level. This effort from Non-profit organization in Pakistan will not only lower the carbon dioxide emission but also help the volunteers involved in this project to gain experience. Moreover, another NPO named Earthwatch in Hong Kong has plans to protect forests in Hong Kong, they achieve this by going to forests to examine the trees, and find reasons behind the continuous vanishing of the forests. There are hundreds of non-profit organizations around the world that are currently carrying out projects and are striving very hard to establish a stable …show more content…

However, there are more questions raised on the credibility of an environmental NPO than any other non-profit organizations. It is because the results of environmental NPOs are not as visible as the other non-profit organization. Environmental problems need more time to be solved and hence the progress of environmental NPOs is quite slow. Moreover, Alam & Mubarak (2012) states that often people fail to differentiate between the roles of government and environmental NPOs, people consider these NPOs as lobbyists against government or even competitor. Due to these reasons, people starts to question the credibility of the NPOs and exert a huge pressure on environmental NPOs that greatly affects their

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