Importance Of Environment Essay

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world history says how environment is vital issue for any living creature. Many big and strong species, such as dinosaur, were lost from the world due to environmental change. Though human has been dominating in the world for about five thousand years, the human civilization is still dependent on the environment. Without a suitable environment it is not possible for human as like as any other living species to survive. But people were not aware of the importance of environment few years ago. Due to the unawareness along with destructive activities, environmental change has been visible across the world recently that makes people think about it. Really, environment is a matter of great concern in the world nowadays. A group of people has raised their voice to protect the environment. They are well organized and strong in many countries especially in West that leads them to form political parties. Those green parties are an important factor in the political realm in those countries. Bangladesh is not a different. The densely populated country is well known to the world due to climate c...

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