Importance Of Culture Essay

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Culture is commonly thought of as how a group of people as a whole would prefer things to be and how things should go. Culture is one of the most important and simplistic ideas of the sociological world. In sociology culture is just norms and values of people . Anthropologist are people who study cultures around the world and compare the ideas of people world wide. So basically the ideas which are accepted by some one is called culture.
The way of living and also what they live in, what they eat, what they wear, the forms of entertainment they enjoy are all parts of a culture. In sociology we use the word culture to symbolize accepted behavior which are shared by and passed among the members of the society. So basically, culture is …show more content…

Parents pass on culture traits to their children and they in turn to their children which creates this norm that is passed on and shared by the family and when they are married then they combine their ideas with the ideas of their spouse. Culture is transmitted not through birth but rather passed through language. Language is the main way for people around the world to spread their ideas and values. Language in its different forms like reading and writing make it possible for the present generation to understand the achievements of earlier generations. And the generation to come will further understand the current generation and so on. But language itself is a part of culture. One you finally fully understand a language it is easier to understand the culture in which you are residing in. Transmission of culture may take place by just complete observation or rather by thrusting yourself into the culture and learning that way. Culture exists, as a continuous learning and changing idea and if you do not keep up with these norms and values you will not understand the culture as a whole. In its historical growth it tends to become a combination of ideas over time and represent the ideas that have been a part of that society for many generations and in the same boat generations to come. Culture is a growing whole which includes in itself, the achievements of the past and present and makes provision for the future achievements of people and society. Culture, in its development has revealed tendency to be consistent. At the same time different parts of culture are inter¬connected. For example the value system of a society, a society is closely connected with its other aspects such as morality, religion, customs, traditions, beliefs and so

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