Importance Of Content Analysis

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Bernard Berelson defined Content Analysis as "a research technique for the objective, systematic, and quantitative description of manifest content of communications" (Palmquist, 1980). Content Analysis is a tool that focuses on the actual content, concepts, themes, phrases, characters, or sentences within texts or sets of texts of the research (Palmquist, 1980). This includes all interviews, documents, and any other type of research performed such as observations and/or videotaped studies (Stemler, 2001). All data that has been collected, reviewed, observed, etc. needs to be dissected to help you come up with a provable conclusion. Content Analysis can indicate crucial features within the research. It can give you comprehensiveness on one’s intentions, biases, prejudices, and oversights of those who are collecting the data as well as those interviewed or those who were observed (Palmquist, 1980). Coding is a crucial component of content analysis. Content analysis is more than just reviewing your data’s content. There needs to be a set of rules or codes to help compile al...

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