Importance Of Barriers To Communication

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Positive language is important for example smiling will get the audience in a positive mood. Negative language is important to avoid. Interrupting people from talking and finishing their sentence may be annoying but if you are very quiet you can look very boring and unenthusiastic. Body expressions can also give off a negative mood, for example, if you are very still and rigid you might come off as cold.
Active engagement is when you listen to your audience and react to what they say. Nodding and smiling or frowning proves that you are listening to them. Once they have finished talking they might imply that you respond to them or carrying on with what they were saying. You might want to summarise and reword what they have said to prove to them that you understood what they said.
Barriers to communication need to be avoided and in order to avoid communication barriers your voice should be projected and clear without hesitation. You should face your listen if you are talking face to face. There are ways to reduce barriers in communication, for example, by making sure there is not a loud background noise which can avert the attention of your audience. Having mobile turned off so it does not distract the audience. Make sure you are concentrated so that you don’t forget what you are going to say.
Types of question are …show more content…

In interpersonal communication I have talked about the method, techniques and cues, positive and negative language, active engagement, and the barriers of communication, types of questions and the speed of response. In communicating in writing I have mentioned guidelines, smileys or emoticons, key messages, grammar and spelling, structure, identifying relevance, proofreading, capitalisation, alternate viewpoints, and note

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