Understanding the First and Second Amendments

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Amendment 1: Freedom of religion, Freedom of practice, Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, Freedom to petition the government, and Freedom to assemble. The Amendment makes it illegal to make a law that establishes a religion, stops the freedom of speech, stops people from practicing their religion, stops the press from printing what they want, and stops people from exercising their right to assemble peacefully or demonstrating against the government. This amendment is the most important because it protects the right to speak against corruption or to practice a religion of my choice and it is one of the reasons why I can speak my mind. Amendment 2: The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, A well-regulated Militia for the security of a free state. This is the most controversial amendment, but this is not important …show more content…

The amendment means you have the right to a lawyer, right to a public trial, right to find witnesses to speak on the accused behave, the right to a public and speedy trial. It is important because it will prevent a defendant from sitting in prison forever and insist that the prosecution proceeds with undue delay. It protects you from being imprisoned for an unreasonable length of time before your trial. Amendment 7: The right of an individual to a jury trial in civil cases. The right of the people to have a trial by a jury from the people who are citizens of the United States. This protects people from government tyranny because it allows us to be tried by a jury of our peers and it will ensure that the government has a real case against the accused which would allow a just punishment with good cause. Amendment 8: Punishment will fit the crime, fair fines, no excessive bails, nor cruel and unusual punishment. The amendment is a safeguard for Americans against excessive

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