Importance Of A Good Relationship Essay

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Good relationships are strengthened by the efforts of those in it. A good relationship doesn’t just happen, it takes work and effort. Good relationships are healthy to those who have good relationships with others. A lot of things go into making a great relationship, and they require a lot of work.
Good relationships require trust. I once heard a quote that said, “Trust is like a mirror, once it’s broken, it can’t be fixed.” Having trust in someone is important. If the person you’re in a relationship with says they are going to the store, you trust that they are going to the store and not to another place. When a relationship has trust, the relationship is stronger and better. Honesty is part of having trust because it plays a huge role in …show more content…

Taking the time to put effort into a relationship, is something worth doing. Relationships are similar to plants because they take time to grow. Most adults these days are busy with everyday life, so most of them don’t have time for relationships. Those people who don’t have time, don’t take care of their relationships, but there are some that do. The ones who take care of their relationships, are usually happier. Taking at least five minutes from your day to call your loved one, can improve your relationship. People are always busy, but making time for someone can make them feel special. Spending quality time with your partner, can make a difference in your …show more content…

Both partners care for one another, and they usually worry about the other’s well-being. Most people see taking care of the other person as a chore or a drag to them. Taking care of someone else besides yourself, can be a chore because you have to take care of yourself as well. When your partner is sick, you feel like it is your duty to take care of them and make them feel better. If they’re sick, they usually can’t do things for themselves, so you make sure they’re well taken care of. Making an effort to make sure your partner is ok, is something worth doing. Your partner will always see it as a sign that you love them. Taking care of your partner also means you make sure they’re fed and clothed, you make sure they’re

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