Impact Of Expansion Of Land On American Society

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American society has been impacted by many factors throughout the years, including land, technology, presidential power, and human rights. Presidential power was expanded by the presidency of Andrew Jackson. The rapid expansion of technology began during the industrial revolution. The expansion of human rights started with the treatment of Native Americans. All of these factors drastically changed America into the society that it is today. But land, in particular, has had the most massive effect on numerous aspects of modern America, such as the discovery of valuable resources and goods, and the inducement of other massive expansions.

One aspect of American society that has been influenced by the expansion of land is the discovery of …show more content…

An example of this would be the impact that land had on the industrial revolution. The resources found during the expansion of land were used in the process of the industrialization and modernization of America, and without it, the United States would not be the same place it is today. Resources that were commonly found in America such as metals and wood were used in machines and architectural projects. Along with resources, technology was being built because of the challenges people faced when traveling westward. Inventions such as the steel plow and windmills were essential for farmers living out west, and to this day are used by farmers across America. Barbed wire, another important invention during westward expansion, was a substitute for regular wood fencing since the Great Plains had a lack of forests, and was used to protect their farmland and prevent their cattle from escaping. (US History). The expansion of land also influenced the methods of transportation used in America. “In 1800, the only practical way to travel and trade across long distances was along the nation’s natural waterways. As a result, settlement clung to the nation’s coasts and rivers. A few roads connected major cities, but travel on them was difficult and time consuming.” (AM History). But later on, as the US began expanding westward, steamboats and …show more content…

Though Andrew Jackson did, in fact, expand the amount of power a president has, presidential power still has a limit as to the influence it has on America. The president still has many restrictions as to the power and impact they have, and therefore does not influence the country as much as other expansions, including land expansion. Even though the President does have a lot of power over the country, he/she is not the only one in charge. If he/she had a political idea, despite how good they may believe this idea is, it may not always be approved by Congress. Furthermore, if a president dislikes a bill and vetoes it, their veto can be easily overruled (History). Although land has its limitations as well, the impact that land expansion has had is consistently growing, and therefore the influence of the expansion of land is by far more powerful than the expansion of presidential power. “One hundred years later, railroads sped along thousands of miles of track. Large ships moved passengers and freight across the oceans and smaller boats plied the nation’s rivers, lakes, and canals. Bicycles, carriages, and wagons rolled over thousands of miles of roads. Seventy-five million people lived coast to coast, many in towns and cities that had sprouted up along the new

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