Imagery In The List By Siobhan Vivian

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Image, is a term people used to assess how other people look and act. People want to have a good image” rather than a “bad image”. In the novel “The List” by Siobhan Vivian, the whole story is based off of people’s image, and how they are presented in the world. In the novel, if the character is ugly, then every person sees them as ugly no matter their actions. People don't think for themselves at Mount Washington High School. Everyone is a robot following a list that says who the prettiest girls are and who the ugliest are. Once the list comes out, everyone starts to view people one the list differently. Some people “drop” their “ugly” friends and others go and start talking to people they have never even noticed before because she is …show more content…

The list basically tells everyone who the prettiest girl in each grade and who the ugliest is. After, the list comes out people start treating the girls according to what the list states. Danielle was said to be “the ugliest” girl in ninth grade, and everyone started to treat her badly even her boyfriend Andrew. “I care about my friends, okay? I care about their opinions. After the list came out, Andrew starts to ignore Danielle and be rude to her on many occasions. Andrew is under peer pressure from his friends as they are “cool” and, Andrew tries to fit in by being rude to Danielle makes him fit in with his friends. Eventually Danielle sees she is in a toxic relationship and ends their relationship. Things like this happen to all the girls on the list, not just Danielle. All 8 of the girls also start to feel differently about themselves. They start to have low self esteems, or they start to feel so good about themselves.” i guess we know for sure that Lynette Wilcox wrote the list this year. Mystery solved!” Candace says this about a blind girl in her school who needs to use a seeing eye dog to get around. This quote makes Candace seem full of herself but, if you think about she could just being using a defensive mechanism in her brain that makes her mean instead of upset. When people feel to good or bad about themselves, they start to change and most of the time thy chang to …show more content…

Before the list came out everyone was happy with their friends and lives, but everything changed once the list came out. The students and even some teachers start to treat the girls on the list differently. Candace was put as the ugliest tenth grader because she is narcissistic and self absorbed.” Ugliest:CANDACE KINCAID-beuaty isn't just sink deep, BTW.” Before the list came out Candace had a huge group of friends and was popular but, once it was out all her friends “dropped” her. Lauren was put as the prettiest tenth grader, and before the list no one spoke to her because she was new girl but, after the list all the girls who had “dropped” Candace wanted to be her friend because everyone wants to be friends with the prettiest girl in the

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