Creative Writing: Homeless

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Bryan stomped the snow off his boots as soon as he reached the front porch of his house. It was 10 pm on a school night and school had ended hours ago. After all the snow had fallen off his boots Bryan then grabbed the freezing door handle and forced himself into the house. “Where were you all these hours,” asked his dad as soon as Bryan stepped foot in the house, “ Do you even know what time it is?” “Yes, I do Murray,” answered Bryan as he rolled his eyes. He did not like the fact that his dad was always questioning about Bryan’s life and why he’s always home late . “So where were you?” Murray asked again, this time slowly …show more content…

Hesitating Bryan sat down and began eating the pancakes. As he began chewing on the pancakes he knew something was wrong; the pancakes were soggy as if though they were undercooked. “WHAT IS THIS?” Bryan screamed, “DID YOU EVEN COOKED THIS RIGHT?” “I-uh, I,” Murray stammered, “I did cook it but I guess I did not cook it long enough. Here, I’ll make you cereal if you want,” Murray made his way towards the cabinets as quickly as his old sick body can allow him. “Forget, I have to go to school,” Bryan got up from his seat and picked up his book bag. As he headed out to their front door he heard Murray said ‘I’m sorry’ in a little whisper. Then something came across him. It was a feeling of guilt and sadness. “Murray was only trying to celebrate my birthday,” Bryan thought to himself, “Maybe I was being too harsh on him, I mean he really did try.” Shaking his head Bryan picked up his walking pace and headed towards the school

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