Iliad Gods And Goddess Essay

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"We everlasting gods....Ah what chilling blows we suffer-thanks to our own conflicting wills-whenever we show these mortal men some kindness." (Iliad Book 5). The role of the gods is a constant theme reoccurring over again throughout Homer's Iliad. This quote represents the power and control of many god and goddess’. In the Iliad god and goddess’ took the sides of mortals in which they found favor. The roles of gods to the mortals included them using humans, having connections with mortals and other gods. They also determine battles between the mortals and finally they determine which side wins the battle. Some characteristics of the god and goddess include jealousy, revenge, and flattery. Non mortals also had flaws such as vanity, pettiness, and any other human characteristics which we display on the regular basis. Another example of the gods and goddess’ characteristics is they can not be the heroes of the story as they are not immortal. Gods and goddess play an important role in the epic the Iliad.
Favoring is displayed again and again in the play. The gods and goddess characteristic of favoring is demonstrated even in the first Book, as Homer already depicts godly intervention in the lives of the characters. With our view of life, it can sometimes be difficult understanding the actions and thinking of the Greek gods and goddess but that is due to the book being written in the eighth century. The gods picked whom they would favor for different reasons such as Aphrodite who chose the Trojans because Paris claimed she was the most beautiful of her sisters. Zeus's wife, Hera, displayed the more typical actions of a god. After Paris, a Trojan, judged Aphrodite the fairest over Hera. There were also the gods who favored the Trojan ...

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...oddess are valued in this poem and that is due to them having such power over mortals, as they can make or break someone or something as they please. The Greek gods and goddess are made in the image of humans and that is why they act like them at the same time. In the poem there are many examples of how emotional the immortals can get by showing their pettiness, jealousy and anger; just like humans the god and goddess have been in arguments, relationships, and another human life brings to us on a daily basis. Another characteristic of the god and goddess is taking sides and this is shown throughout the Trojan War as half the mortals take the Greek side and the other taking the Trojan side. Throughout this epic it is shown that the god and the goddess play such a significant role in the Olympian community. God and Goddess are the fundamental rulers of the immortals.

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