Igbo Culture In Things Fall Apart

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The religious aspect of the Ibo culture is that of both pre colonial and post colonial aspects. The pre colonial ibo worshiped many gods and above all the other gods are Chukwu were the gods below him are just messengers such as the earth goddess ala. They as well worship their ancestors that give them better harvest and luck. Then when the white men came from england and other areas bringing christianity they changed the culture of ibo and if some towns and villages did not comply to them they would wipe out most villages, an example from Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe in chapter twenty it talks about how the people of this village of Abame. Another example of this is at the end of the book in chapter twenty five the District Commissioner …show more content…

Many other beliefs such as the egwugwu which were men from their tribe chosen to be stand ins for these demon/ deity like beings that were pictured as the law or ibo law or ways that they settled certain matters. Such as court cases in modern society but there was more than one judge per say, there were nine of the egwugwu and each ranged from oldest to youngest. From the book things fall apart they talk about evil forest one of the oldest egwugwu and the one that has the most authority. Another level to this spiritually is that the women were actually scared of the egwugwu because they believed these were actual spirits in these men's bodies. The ibo feel also spiritually connected because of their chi, they believe that they have their own personal god. They believe it is their own entity and they the chi is free thinking. Chukwu in the ibo culture is an all seeing and the creator god, according to the Ibo he is related to the sun or he lives in the sky sorta like christians belief of God being above the clouds or in heaven while the Ibo believe that Chukwu is in the sky and is always watching. The Ibo also talk about Chukwu of having this invisible power of the sun and providing life such as in christian beliefs of the holy spirit as being this invisible power. Ala in the Ibo culture is known as the enforcer of creation, in things …show more content…

They adopted the the christian religion after white men came and colonized the area and forced their beliefs on the ibo and destroyed their own religion and told them it was wrong, and that they were right. The Ibo took up many celebrations such as christmas, they threw out their violet and conquest like ways and became peaceful. They no longer relied and worship many gods but the single christian God. The ibo were forced out of their own way of living as people of the land and many of them moved to central areas. When the christians first arrived to the Ibo, many warriors thought of the christians as an abomination and then later many accepted the christian religion and were forced out of their own village and way of

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