If I Am Dying

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I want to live like I am dying. Is it better to take risk and perhaps make some mistakes or remain cautious and risk nothing? I believe it is much better to take that risk then to be a very cautious person. First, taking the risk means I could live life to the fullest. If I was not living life to the fullest, I would be wasting my life. Second, it is a great way of trying out something new and exotic. Trying new items is a great way to spice up life. Last, there would be a lot of breathtaking and remarkable stories to tell to friends. For example, if I went skydiving, I could tell my friends all about the exquisite view and how it felt going 25 MPH down back into Earth’s gravity. As can be seen, I would want to take the risk instead of being cautious. First of all, taking risks may seem like a terrible idea, but it is actually one of the best ideas. Being cautious is worse than taking risks because I could be missing out on the fun. Everybody has only one life, so I would not be wasting my life covering in fear and think about the worst to come, I would go out and have fun with my friends. Life would be incredibly boring being cramped in a house with nothing to do and then expect something interesting to just magically appear. After all, …show more content…

I would have never went skydiving but because I took that risk, I tried it. If I never would have went skydiving, I never would have known that it would be one of the best experiences of my entire life. If I went and the parachute and issues, I would have learned from my mistakes of wasting my own money and going skydiving again to have the same issue where I would just jump out of the plane, which is high above the clouds, and potentially dying, but that I went out there are there were no technical difficulties, I absolutely have no regrets. All in all, trying new things could be a great way to spice up your

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