Identify And Describe The Culture, Paying Attention To Gender Role Expectations (10 Points)

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Identify and describe the culture, paying attention to gender role expectations (10 points).
The culture that I decided to consider was Mormonism. This culture is very rich and many Mormons live close to where I live. One thing I noticed when I was talking to my neighbor that many of their old customs have changed according throughout time. One major point in gender roles is that men and women must serve the church and respect its teachings. However, men usually are the ones that teach and help with the growth of their family and the families of others. Women maintain the house and tend to the nurturing and development of the children. Both genders must maintain strict rules and regulations and keep in the good with the church. Women also work outside the home only if it is required to maintain the home and many of these decisions are decided with the family through prayer.
Describe how you would feel to have those expectations placed upon you. Would these expectations be welcome or seen as a burden? (10 points) …show more content…

If these expectations were just placed on me and I was told to follow them to the T. I don’t think I would be able to handle all of what they would ask of me. I feel the pressure of the church and the community around me would end up crushing me. Also, having to fully commit myself to the church would be a problem for me since I have a conflicting view about a higher power. I would definitely see these expectations as a burden. Now with all of this said, if I was to leave my culture and attempt to fully immerse myself just to their way of life. I think it would be refreshing, mainly due to the step back from technology and science of things being able to devout myself to teaching my family and others. It is an interesting

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