Ice Breaker Speech-Self Evaluation

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The purpose of the ice breaker speech was to tell the class about a specific thing regarding who we are. I took approximately three days attempting to choose a topic, and went back and fourth between my name and first tattoo. When I went through the first tattoo speech it seemed a bit long and I didn’t want to make it too personal, although I thought it’d be interesting. I made an outline for both topics and went over in my mind, each speech and how I’d say them. I even asked opinions and only a few thought the tattoo story would suffice, although they found it interested. Both outlines had a bit of humor, a bit of something special about me, and what I think is rare factor. I only worked on a couple outlines of each. Eventually I chose the topic of my name a couple of days before the assignment and tweaked what I thought was best every time I reviewed it. I thought my name would be best because in a way the speech would still explain something about who I am, a little humor and a rare factor. I practiced in front of my roommate and in the car on the way to school and work, I recor...

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