I Want To Pursue A Degree In The Healthcare Field

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When I first came to college my educational and life goals were pretty blurry. I knew I wanted to work in the healthcare field. I wanted to help people, and what better way to help than to promote and aid in the most essential part of life. Having played volleyball my entire life and playing collegiately at my first university, Rockhurst, I was constantly surrounded by the Athletic Training staff. I decided that working in the athletic environment would be the perfect fit for me. Eventually my time at Rockhurst came to an end and I came back home to Arizona and transferred to ASU. Going through such a big change in school size, location, and no longer playing volleyball I began to question my intentions of wanting to become and Athletic Trainer. …show more content…

By continuing my education at Pharmacy school I can do just that while also learning how to help better people’s lives in a big way. Pharmacy as a profession is the perfect blend of everything I could want in a career. It’s in the healthcare field, it allows me to work with other people and patients, it is a stable career that can be done anywhere in the country, and it is a challenging field that will keep me intellectually stimulated. I long for the days when I’m working in the Pharmacy and I can advise patients and help them to be healthier in their adherence to medication and lifestyles. I want to make a difference in people’s lives and as a Pharmacist I can do that. Currently I am working in a Walgreens as a Pharmacy Technician and every day that I go to work I look forward to it. It is high pace, interesting, and fun. Working as a Pharmacy Tech has inspired me even more to achieve my goals of becoming a Pharmacist. I haven’t decided which type of Pharmacist I would want to be yet. Currently I love the environment within community pharmacy, but I am interested in hospital pharmacy as well. Over summer I hope to get an internship with a hospital pharmacy so I can figure out which type will be a better fit for

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