I Tweet Therefore I Am

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According to the article “I Tweet, Therefore I Am”, by Andrew Lam and the article “How Computers Change the Way We Think,” by Sherry Turkle, technologies have negative and positive influence in people’s daily life. It is the fastest way to contact each other, it requires less than a minute, and we can get the response back as soon as the receiver has replied back. It is the most convenient way because we don't have to write down on paper, pack it and send through the post office. In fact, people using different types of social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more, yet people are losing empathy of communication. People are over using the digital world. According to the New York Times, “Scientists say the constant use of computers and cellular telephones is causing a significant, evolutionary shift in our brain’s wiring.” …show more content…

According to Andrew Lam, “if communication technology was created to enhance our daily lives, something has dramatically shifted: More and more, we are changing our lives to cater to the digital world.” Clifford Nass, a communications professor at Stanford, told the New York Times that empathy is essential to the human condition. However, given the virtualization of the real world, and tendency for many to multitask, “we are at an inflection point,” he said. “A significant fraction of people’s experiences are now fragmented.” Andrew Lam says that generations have been raised on video games, spent the bulk of their lives in chatrooms and on Youtube, on cell phones and iPods. They have been conditioned to invest the bulk of their emotional life in the virtual space. In fact, some children who write narratives for their screen avatars may grow up with too little experience of how to share their real feelings with other people. For those who are lonely yet afraid of intimacy, information technology has made it possible to have the illusion of companionship without the demands of

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