I Stand Here Ironing Essay

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The short story, I Stand here Ironing, written by author, Tillie Olsen, is the best of the best. The title is a little misleading, however, the "iron" is symbolic, within the story. That is what makes the setting unique. Taking this story at face value is a crucial mistake, however, digging deeper into the depths of this story and realizing what the author is trying to convey, to the reader, is the reason it is the best. The similarities that many families still face, in today's society, are present within this story. We see an inexperienced mother's coming of age, we see the difficulties of trying to raise children as a single parent and how influences from outside sources, affect decision making, and we see how a child can overcome difficulties and defeat, in order to reach a level of triumph. We often hear the phrase, “babies having babies” in our society. That simply means, a person giving birth to a child who is still, technically, a child themselves. Some nineteen year old’s, in our society, could be considered a child. As a reader, I found myself feeling an emotional connection to Emily’s mother. She was inexperienced at raising a child and resorted to books, to help her. An added burden was Emily’s father leaving, shortly after birth, because he couldn’t handle the financial strain. Sound familiar? …show more content…

Not everyone will agree, however, this is my interpretation. The iron represents the fact, that a mother’s work is never done. Emily’s mother stood there at that ironing board, while raising five kids. Just like our clothes, our lives can accumulate a few wrinkles. Ironing is a delicate process that takes hard work, dedication, and an equally delicate pair of hands. When a person learns to iron, they don’t get it perfect the first time and the same could be said for parenting. Always keep in mind, some wrinkles are harder to get out than others, but persistence pays

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