I Can T Hear You Analysis

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Analytical Essay Writing Task
You have read the passages, “Throw Away your Earbuds Now” and “I Can’t Hear You.” Each passage explores hearing loss and the dangers of taking something for granted.
Write an essay that explains what it means to take hearing for granted. In your essay be sure to include Matthew’s and Katherine’s experiences with hearing loss and how it could have been prevented. Be sure to support your response with textual evidence from both articles.

Hearing. Something people for granted. One of the five senses, just important as seeing or feeling. How do people manage to take hearing for granted? People are losing their hearing day by day and by their 30’s, they could be completely deaf. However, this can be prevented …show more content…

When people go through their day, people don’t think about our hearing. Humans think about what they will eat for lunch or how much homework they have. People don’t realize how important their hearing actually is. All of this is seen in the the texts of “Throw Away Your Earbuds Now” and “I Can’t Hear You”, both demonstrate how important hearing is and how people take hearing for granted. An example is seen in “I Can’t Hear You” on paragraph 1, “ Hearing is something we take for granted. We hear the way we breathe-effortlessly-until we can’t.” This demonstrates how people take hearing for granted, because people do it effortlessly, like how people breathe. Another example is seen in “Throw Away Your Earbuds Now” in paragraph 2, “ That summer, Matthew ran on the treadmill everyday. And every time he ran, he listened to music on his iPod, full blast. ‘One day,’ says Matthew, ‘when I stepped off the treadmill, I could not hear a thing.’ “ As a result of taking hearing for granted, Matthew dramatically reduced his hearing. This could have easily prevented by simply thinking about his hearing and how important it is. Therefore, people take hearing for granted by not thinking about it or being unaware it is

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