I Am Chinese By Michael Ngo Summary

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“Who am I? I am Chinese. If so, why don’t I think like one? I’m Canadian. But I don’t look like one. Who am I?”- Michael Ngo. This writing piece examines the author’s dilemma between his empirical relationships and cultural identity. Ngo concluded with choosing to stay rooted in Canadian culture and gave up hope in bonding with his original Chinese heritage. On the contrary, here is the answer in solving his current situation. It is a clarification in which strengthens his bond with his mother and assists Ngo in finding a balance between both cultures as a Chinese Canadian. Personally, I felt a strong connection towards Ngo because I was also an immigrant in the past who struggled with many obstacles in order to fit into the Canadian norm. For instance, language barrier, and having difficulty in recognizing who I am since I am now influenced by Canadian’s values and beliefs. Nonetheless, I did not fall into despair and abandon my own heritage as a …show more content…

Similarly, accomplishing your fluency in Chinese will require practice and continue to persevere in attaining your goals. However, when you became successful in something, it solved all of the dilemmas you have dealt with for an extended period of time. In Ngo's case, he rejects his Chinese culture since he does not have the courage to change and to become a typical Chinese son who is partly influenced by Canada. I believe he can prevent any misconceptions about him and his mother if he concentrates on what he lacks in, he might have different thoughts towards whom he is cultural. Consequently, I advised Ngo to take a step forward, embrace his heritage and learn to recognize things from his mother's perspective. After all, she is the only family left who is linked to the source of his ancestors and heritage. Therefore the key to having a healthy relationship means both sides need to accept both mistakes and correct the wrongs

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