Humorous Wedding Speech

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I remember when I was in high school setting in the auditorium listening to a guest speaker. It was a bitter sweet feeling because I wasn't in class but I also wasn't having fun. I don't remember much; but what I can recall is this guy started to rant about how if you ever find yourself incarcerated people will forget about you. Naturally this pissed me off to the point where I made a promise to myself. And I'm sad to say that I have only kept half of that promise. Jammie I truly do apologize. Please don't feel like I have forgotten about you because I haven't. I will be honest I've let so much come between me and writing/sending this letter. All kinds of things have happened from being hospitalized to going to San Francisco. These aren't excuses but examples of what's taking so much of my time. …show more content…

I have put pen to paper over five times and never sent a letter; for I could never find satisfaction. Something was always wrong but now that I think of it, I was being selfish. For you need to hear from loved ones now more then ever. At the same time this was discouraging for me because my job as a free women/pen pal/cousin is to encourage you during your unenjoyable experience. How can I achieved this goal with out screwing things up. With all of that being said Jammie you are truly missed. So much that I started crying as I was writing you and now the stupid paper is all wet. I know that we never really talked that much before due to our different lifestyles, but I don't want that to come in between the two of us. always remember that I do love you. Sometimes I find myself going down memory lane. I was jus thinking about our clubhouse three doors down from the yellow house. You showing me how to eating honey suckles and black berries, Or that time when you told me usher was I the attic. I was so naïve back then but I loved being around you

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