Human Flaw In Alan Moore's Watchmen

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Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons graphic novel Watchmen, is about showing the human flaws in being a superhero. The story follows a couple of different characters from a second generation of masked crime fighters called the minutemen. Alan Moore takes the superhero persona and gives it to normal people with bleak life outlooks. Through flash backs of the early days of both generations of you can see how much more cheerful and eneev the masked crime fighters. Then as the book gets on the reader sees how the masked crime fighters end up either died or crazy.

Rorschach is a perfect example of who the masked crime fighters were and then what they became. Even Rorschach speech changes in the novel, in the flashback of the first second generation minutemen meeting Rorschach’s speech bubble isn’t jagged trying to show innocence of when he first fought crime the person he was before he saw how evil the world could be. Alan Moore uses the psychologist that interviews Rorschach, once he goes to jail. This shows what Rorschach has seen can effect a normal happy human into becoming devastated and purposely ruin his own life. Rorschach’s experiences crime fighting gives helps develop his never compromise attitude, giving Rorschach a major flaw only seeing everything in black and white. …show more content…

Basically being a hired mercenary by the US government allowed to handle any situation however he deems fit. He is supposed to be what would happen if someone was able to kill people with no remorse and was actually praised for it. Giving the reader someone that they never know, which way he’ll go to always watch and look for. The Comedian’s major flaw would be if people praised a madman because he is on our

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