Human And Environmental Effects Of Ozone Depletion

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History of ozone: In 1785, the Dutch chemist Martinus van Marum was directing experiments including electrical starting above water when he saw an uncommon scent, which he credited to the electrical responses, neglecting to understand that he had in truth made ozone. A half century later, Christian Friedrich Schönbein saw an indistinguishable impactful smell and remembered it from the odor frequently taking after an electrical jolt. In 1839, he prevailing with regards to confining the vaporous compound and named it "ozone", from the Greek word ozein (ὄζειν) signifying "to smell”. [6] For this reason, Schönbein is by and large credited with the revelation of ozone. The formula for ozone, O3, was not decided until 1865 by Jacques-Louis …show more content…

Ultraviolet light also contributes to cataract which is a condition where the eye becomes cloudy and the vision is blurred. Skin deterioration and immune inhibition are a result of UV radiation. (Bais et al., 2015) Environmental Impacts Ozone depletion has adverse effects on agriculture, forestry, marine ecosystems and polar ice caps. Aquatic food webs are affected in terms of development and growth; this disrupts biological processes. Due to more ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth’s surface, polar ice caps melts and this increases the sea level, which in turn can cause major flooding in low coastal regions. There is a decline in phytoplankton, as water is transparent and due to the high amounts of UV radiation reaching 0.5 meters below surface, it intoxicates the phytoplankton. (Bais et al., …show more content…

Therefore, the idea of having ozone in your body is not favourable at all as ozone is an oxidant. Nevertheless, this is overcome by the fact that ozone can be used to treat many diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease, viral infections, dry age-related macular degeneration, and neurodegenerative diseases. For ozone to have any effect at all it needs to be introduced into the body. This could either be through the rectum or via the blood. Ozone is added to small amounts of blood, as a mixture of ozone and oxygen. This procedure needs to be carried out very carefully to prepare a safe dosage, in which the ozone must be no more than 5% only. This ozonated blood in then returned back into the circulation in various ways. This way of using ozone as a therapy is called ozonated autohaemotherapy

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