Huckleberry Finn Argumentative Essay

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It was the start of my 11th grade year, and my English teacher told me that we are reading Huckleberry Finn. I became familiar with the book in 10th grade when my English teacher had us answer a few question about the book. She handed out three different copies of the same passage, but with one word changed multiple times. The word was the n-word, and in different version it was changed from the n-word to slave and robot. I always questioned the decision to change the n-word to those words, from the start of reading Huck Fin all the way to the end. Throughout my reading of Huck Finn, I replaced the n-word to the other options in my head, causing me to have a different interpretation of each passage. Reading Huck Finn in a predominantly white …show more content…

Throughout the books Huck enjoys to play a good prank, scam, or even lie to someone for a purpose, or to just get a reaction. Huck pranks Jim by putting a dead snake at the foot of Jim’s bed, however, the prank backfires and the dead snake’s mate bites Jim. This parallels the Duke and the Dauphin when they are discovered as con men and get tarred and feathered. Both Huck and the Duke and Dauphin play pranks and cons without thinking about the negative consequences that it has on themselves and their friends. Similarly, they both use lie in situation to help benefit themselves. Huck lies to the slave-hunters saying that his dad has smallpox to help protect Jim from being found. The Duke and the Dauphin lie about being the uncles of orphaned girls, in order to steal lots of money and property. Where Huck and the Duke and Dauphin stray away from each other is that Huck does pranks and cons for personal benefit, and he learns that lies can be very profitable. The Duke and the Dauphin decided to do pranks and cons for a living, and are willing to accomplish these actions throuh the suffering of other

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