Hubris In Oedipus The King

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Oedipus, the king of Thebes, is shown to be quick to anger and hubris. Oedipus is shown through the book to be a violent. In the book, Oedipus’ fight with Creon towards the beginning shows that Oedipus doesn’t take the blame for problems on himself. He always at first put the problem on someone else on himself. Oedipus, at first, thinks that Creon wants to kill him and steal his throne, saying “Do you think i do not know that you plotted to kill me, plotted to steal my throne?” Oedipus always puts himself to a higher standard than everyone esle and has excessive pride in his own abilities. Thus, he has hubris, massive pride in his own person. Oedipus is thus shown is be narsasitic, believing his own person to be above other people. Oedipus’

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