Hsbc Case Study

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HSBC has various risk and benefits with its tagline of the “World’s Local Bank.” Some of the risks they face are the delicacy of entering into a new area and process of how they enter into these markets. HSBC has to be very careful about what markets they try to enter. Coming into a small market with the tagline “World’s Local Bank,” may be taken the wrong the way. I know from experience, especially in my town and surrounding area that when a large well known bank comes in that the local small banks take a hurt. Though some people leave these small banks to join the new ones a majority of people feel overwhelmed by the presence of the large banks. HSBC needs to be careful to do the necessary research before entering into a new market especially …show more content…

HSBC must without a doubt do their research of not only the market area, but also the people in the market. HBSC must look at the various demographics of the market, patterns, attributes, inclinations, and much more. A situation could present itself that HSBC does their research of a given market and in that research HSBC could find habits of the area and not necessarily the values. Habits differ from values in that habits change often based on different social items that pop up. On the other hand, values are something that are maintained and would be a better item to market off of. HSBC has done a very good job up this point of taking the time to focus on an area to get the best possible approach to marketing that area. The have a top notch marketing team that has the ability to adapt to each unique location they are trying to venture into. This ability greatly lowers the risks that HSBC faces when entering into a new market. It is also great for HBSC tagline “World’s Local Bank,” that they take the time to focus so detailed on each …show more content…

As the tagline reads the “World’s Local Bank,” shows experience, size, and personality. Experience and size fall under world, as it shows HSBC has plenty of influence in various areas across the planet. It also shows size as a company that it’s not limited to one continent or country. With experience and size comes sustainability, which with the last major recession, is something consumers want in a bank. Personality is shown by the word local which is something that HSBC prides itself on. HSBC wants to me known as a company that can make into any market and with the proper research they complete that task. Upon completion of their research they add a personal touch by helping or donating time to the local community. This shows that HSBC real cares about the local community and by getting involved in small areas as a major corporation matches perfectly with how they care about each and every local community they enter

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