Hrm 531 Week 2 The Security Audit Checklist

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The security audit checklist

Item Description If YES, outline how and/or provide comments If NO, explain no, outline action needed
Overall management responsibilities
1. Are all Auscred Services staff informed and committed to the Compliance and Risk Management Framework and any related material, including the Privacy Policy? 2. Is the Compliance and Risk Management Framework and any related material (including the Privacy Policy) easily accessible by all Auscred Services staff? 3. Is the Compliance and Risk Management Framework reviewed annually by Auscred Services Legal and Compliance in conjunction with the business ?

Date of the most recent review of the Compliance and Risk Management Framework: ___________________________________ …show more content…

Are copies of signed confidentiality agreements or non-disclosure agreements properly saved and managed? 12. Are agreements or contracts containing confidentiality provisions (such as employment contracts and agreements with service providers) properly saved and managed? 13. Do we have a process for Auscred Services staff to report to IT when they have identified a potential security incident (such as any security incident response procedure)? Account and password management
14. Do we have well-defined and documented procedures for distribution of user accounts and passwords? 15. Do we have a well-defined and documented policy for electronic authentication, authorisation and access control relating to our information systems, applications and data? 16. Do we ensure that only authorised persons have access to our systems/network and computers? 17. Do we require and enforce appropriate passwords? 18. Are our passwords secure? (For example, are users required to change their passwords regularly? Are users not permitted to write their passwords at obvious places?) 19. Are there any unused accounts found in the system/network? 20. Are administrator accounts used solely for administration

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