How does Mrs. Doubtfire change peoples lives?

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How does Mrs. Doubtfire change peoples lives?

In this essay, we will be analysing the influence that Mrs Doubtfire's

personality has on the characters around her. Moreover, we will be

able to see how her presence causes a transformation in the behaviour

of each member of the family, following their encounters with her.

The film which is represented to us as a comedy, actually reveals

itself to be of a more serious nature. The film is set in modern San

Francisco and shows the break-down of a marriage between Miranda, a

career woman and Daniel, a man with Peter Pan type traits. The three

kids are pulled emotionally between the two parents, who are

continually fighting. The novelty of the film is the "Nanny", Mrs

Doubtfire, who is actually the husband in disguise, professionally

made up by Daniel's brother. The humour of the situation is taken to

the limits but the film leads us to a believable ending.

Daniel Hillard, the father, is shown to us in the opening moments of

the film, as a person of unusual talent. The gift he has for imitating

voices is wonderful, but he won't say script lines he doesn't morally

agree with:

"Millions of kids see this cartoon do u think its right to promote

smoking to the youth of America?"

This sequence provides us with a development of the character's inner

personality, showing strong morals and consciences. These

characteristics are however, incompatible with an actor's job and so

he reveals himself as an undisciplined and foolish person. When he

loses his job we realise that he is very irresponsible and that losing

his job is fairly usual for him and his kids. Although hurt by things

going wrong, he is not able to see his own faults and do anything to

change. Anoth...

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...a finds it unfair that she has to always make sure her little

sister and brother get home safely. Mrs Doubtfire gives her someone

she can safely rebel against giving her an outlet for her feelings and

she slowly grows up. For example she manages to set aside her pride

and apologise to Mrs. Doubtfire. She starts to trust and confide in

Mrs. Doubtfire. She becomes more helpful and mature.

To conclude, the film can be looked at by different age groups and in

different ways. As a comedy or a comedy with a moral:- that if parents

try hard enough separations an be made less painful. Or as a drama of

family life that uses comedy to make it more palatable showing that

relationships have to be worked on all the time by both partners. That

maybe, we should try to put a little bit of Mrs. Doubtfire's effort

into our lives to improve ourselves! A film truly for all.

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