How Writing Affects The Brain Essay

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The simple skill of writing, while something we all possess, has many different impacts on the brain. We think of it as a simple action, yet it can be as manipulative as a drug. Studies over the years have proven this using modern technology. Writing affects our minds in many different ways and in many different forms. Writing is the process of recording ideas by the means of using characters or marks forming a type of communication (The Ency.). There is no specific time of the origin of writing, though early writings go as far back 3000 BC mostly because this was the earliest known form of logographic writing. Logograms are signs that represent complete words, so the writing at this time was only read in vague terms, but they could later be translated by use of the principle of phonetic transfer. Which basically, takes logograms and makes them into words (“Writing). …show more content…

When writing, there is much that goes on within our brains. The frontal lobe is the part of the brain that helps us write and speak. It is also responsible for things such as movement, planning, and problem solving (“How Does”). When writing, this part of the brain comes to life with activity. Mostly due to the fact that while it does helps us write, it is also where thinking occurs, which we are constantly doing as we write. Another important part of the brain that helps with writing is the parietal lobe. This part of the brain helps us understand words and language. People with damage to this part, do not speak or write well (“How Does”). (Lacy). Writing does not only affect the mind of the writer, but it also has an effect on the reader too. When an action occurs in a story, the motor cortex in the reader’s brain will become active. If the story contains details that explain a feeling, our sensory response will become active. As if the reader were actually the character in the story (“How

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