How To Write An Essay 'Shy' Away From Excess Violet?

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A lonely or depressed child will benefit greatly from vibrations of orange.
Turquoise is right for withdrawn children when they are feeling too vulnerable to express their feelings. It is a powerful healing color particularly in the realm of communication.
There is evidence to support that an absence of nature and greenery contributes to depression. Age was not a contributing factor. Green signifies the very essence of life. Incorporating healthy, living plants in your home invites positive energy and enhances health and well-being.
'Shy' Away from Excess Violet?
People attracted to violet are often shy, hence the expression, “shrinking violet”. Color experts caution against using an excess of violet around clinically depressed people.
Dark …show more content…

It’s cozy, causing kids to want to remain in their little sanctuary. Brown is not a carefree and spontaneous color.
If a child has an attraction to black it may signal a need for emotional support. They may be profoundly distressed and need a lot of cuddles.
Surrounded by too much bright yellow can cause people to become nervous, anxious and fearful.

Children who are depressed or anxious can benefit from heaping-helpings of green, especially by getting outside in nature.
Color Support for Kids in Transition
White is an auspicious color for purifying thoughts and emotions through inner cleansing. White can be refreshing and strengthening to your child’s entire energy system during times of transition.
White is also the color of new beginnings. This color provides protection and encouragement. It offers a sense of peace and calm.
Green is the color of transitions. It heals and balances. Brown is a warm, comforting color. It is reassuring, and creates a feeling of calm and safety, which is sorely needed when everything is new.

Brown relates to the protection and support of the family unit.
It encourages a strong need for security and a sense of belonging. It promotes stability and structure.
Brown relates to home. It is a color of physical

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