How To Write An Essay On The Secret Life Of Bees

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The book The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd is a rather interesting book that manages to create mixed feelings in the reader towards many contrasted and relatable characters. There is Lily and her father who have always had a rather rough relationship after Lily’s mother passed when Lily was only a small child. Then there are characters like Rosaleen and August who provide emotional and physical support to the main protagonist, LIly. There are also side characters that bring life to the story such as May and Zach. And then there are characters like June Boatwright, who stands out not only because of her broad spectrum of emotions, but because of her complete 180 and change of perspective. To me, June’s story was one that was just as interesting as that of Lily Owens. June is not introduced into the story until the events are already well underway, but when she is, she is the first of the Boatwright sisters that Lily and Rosaleen meet. June makes it clear from the beginning that she is not fond of Lily and does not want her staying with them in the Boatwright house, but the other sisters, most importantly August, allowed Lily and Rosaleen to stay with them. And already from the start, June may have had a very good reason as Lily had lied to the sisters about her entire situation. …show more content…

What the reader then finds out is that June had been left at the altar years earlier, and since then, she has been afraid to love someone and let alone marry someone. This all takes a different turn later on in the story when May leaves June advice telling her that she should live her happiest life. June and Neil actually end up getting married and June is beginning to show even more emotions that have just been bottled up inside. She loved her sister, and it’s that love that helped her change her way of

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