How To Write An Essay On How Cancer Changed My Life

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As I stood in the living room awaiting the news, my heart immediately grew heavy and I felt a throbbing sensation in my throat. My eyes welled up and my knees became weak and at that moment the control that I thought I had over my life dissipated. My only option was to run, and before I realized it my face was jammed into my pillow sobbing. With my family having recently relocated to a new town thousands of miles away from what I called home it was impossible for me to fathom that I could lose more than just my friends. All I knew about cancer up to this point was how the movies depicted it. From that day on it was my personal quest to accurately conceptualize what was wrong with my mom and how I could help. My interest was sparked and I needed to know everything regarding cancer treatments, the side effects of those treatments, and stage survival rates. Consequently, I was powerless to help my mother and while I understood what was happening, I felt as if I was a failure. She was the epitome of courage as she underwent five weeks of chemotherapy treatment, which slowed the aggressive nature of her breast cancer. Shortly after chemotherapy, …show more content…

The living conditions that these people endured were deplorable at best. Seeing families live in plastic ten by ten foot shacks changed my perspective on life. These people were malnourished and struggled trying to send their kids to school. Yet they never stopped being grateful for what they had. This experience showed me how trivial my problems and issues are. My ministry worked feverishly to build them a new house, giving each member their own bed, and supplied each family with an ample amount of food that would last them for months. The way that I was able to change a family’s live in less than a week, strengthened my passion for helping others. The desire to change someone’s life only solidified my desire to become a

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