How To Write A Rhetorical Analysis Of An Advertisement

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Most people read a magazine for the content, right? In all magazines, there are advertisements that the publisher allows. In a magazine called "Food & Wine" issue 41, published in January of 2017, there were advertisements along with their content. Most of these ads pertain to an audience who are married and have a family to feed. One notable example of an ad in this magazine is from a company called Oscar Mayer which tries to sell one of their meat products. The main goal of the ad is to try to sell their product, but there is something hiding behind the advert. The advertisement re-introduces memories, uses the companies experience and a picture of bacon to draw in their potential customers. To illustrate their emotional appeal or pathos they included a high-resolution image of a piece of bacon. The picture has enough pixels to show the texture; also the piece appears to be cooked to perfection. The photo has the ability to remind anyone the taste of bacon. Having an image of your product is important for the audience to refer to in an advert. This form of pathos is quite effective because it brings up an emotional feeling with food that can possibly convince a person to buy their product. A reminder of how it tastes, looks …show more content…

Oscar Mayer uses Food & Wine magazine to sell not only bacon, but to revive memories associated with it. To make sure the ad does its job; they used exceptional picture layout, experience, and pathos. Picture layout was important because it helps draw the audience in to the advert. Stating experience is effective in bring trust to the company and why they are still around. Finally, Oscar Mayer was able to revive memories by only showing a piece of bacon. This Oscar Mayer ad did everything right. When it came to the content of the ad, it was done exceptionally. They nailed down the point that bacon can cause memories and that those memories can make you buy more

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