How To Survive In Lord Of The Flies

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Imagine being a child stranded on an island. There are no adults around to give rules or tell you what to do. You could play all day, sleep all night and do whatever you want. In the novel.“Lord of the Flies”, by William Golding, a group of young boys become stranded on an island after a plane crash. They must face problems that exist in the wilderness. The boys must find water, food, and shelter to survive. They also face different weather conditions. With no adults to help, the boys will have to gather their own food. The boys must adapt since the boys are used to being served their food. Jack and his choir have chosen to be the hunters. According to page 19 of Lord of the Flies “Jack’s in charge of the choir. They can be - what do you want the to be?”, “Hunters”. The wild pigs become an element of conflict as the boys initially try to kill them for food. Later on in the book, Jack shows the most desire for hunting and he drives the other children to go to a primitive savageness. On page 91, Jack says, “Bollocks to the rules! Were strong-we hunt! If there’s a beast we’ll hunt it down! We’ll close in and beat and beat!” The pigs become the main focus for Jack and the hunter’s descent into savagery with the head of one pig becoming the symbolic representation Beelzebub and …show more content…

Nature is not man's enemy but is part of the human experience for Simon. At the beginning apart of the choir that is lead by jack and soon breaks off as he does not agree with jack being being the leader on the new leader of the boys, they suspect they would fear for the worst if he was to lead. Simon ends up in a favor of Ralph being the leader of the boys. Additionally, on page 51,Simon refuses to hunt with Jack and his hunters. He says to Ralph, “You're chief. You tell ‘em off.” This example shows Simon’s departure from Jack’s side and the transfer to Ralph’s

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