How To Remove Your Podiatrist

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Options For Treating Your Toenail Fungus If you're embarrassed to wear sandals because you have a toenail infection, you should talk to a podiatrist about effective treatment options. You can buy products over the counter to treat nail fungus, but they often don't work very well because the fungus is buried under your toenail where topical medications can't reach. Here are a few treatment options your podiatrist might try. Anti-Fungal Medications In order to reach the fungus growing under the nail, your podiatrist may need to prescribe oral medication for you to take. If not, he or she may give you medication to apply to your toe. The medication you get from a podiatrist is stronger than what you can get over the counter, and it is matched to your type of infection so it has a better chance of working. Your podiatrist will probably take a small sample of the infection and have it tested at a lab so the most effective medication can be prescribed. Fungal infections are noted for being difficult to get rid of, so you have to be patient. It may take a few months for your infection to clear. Surgical Removal Of Your Toenail …show more content…

That will make it much easier for you to apply medication directly to the infection. Another reason to have your toenail removed is when it is damaged by the infection. Fungus causes your nail to become discolored and thick. That makes it hard to trim, and you could develop problems with an ingrown nail. The nail may even make you uncomfortable when you wear shoes. You may have less pain and discomfort with the nail removed, and once the infection has cleared, it will grow back. However, if you have a chronic infection that keeps coming back, your podiatrist may permanently remove the nail to help keep the fungus at

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