How To Dehumanize Pows

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Japanese camps were a place where people were treated as less than nothing. The guards took great pride in dehumanizing all the POWs that were within their camps. This could be seen in a variety of different actions that the guards took. Japanese guards treated the different POWs as less than human and took great joy in making them act like animals. One example of this is seen right when Louie enters the camp of Ofuna. It was a secret camp within Japan that allowed the Japanese to treat the “unarmed combatants” anyway in which they desired without the Red Cross stopping them. This is the place that most of the dehumanizing of Louie and the other prisoners took place. When Louie arrives he is told about the different rules that take are required to be followed while they are there. Some of these rules, such as not being able to talk to other prisoners, were used as a way to …show more content…

If a person is unable to talk then they start to lose their humanity. Another example of the dehumanization of the POWs was when they desired a drink of water. They man would have to beg like a dog to the guard just to be allowed to go over and drink, but was forced to use nothing but his hands and mouth for there were no cups. Sometimes the guards would even make the man crawl like a dog to drink. Men were also starved of any food that they may desire. As Jean Balch, a fellow captive wrote, “we were dying on about 500 calories a day” (203). These men were denied the necessity of food that all people need so that they might survive. On top of eating so little, the men were forced to run for miles which burned the already scarce amount of calories that they had intaken for the day. The most well known and common practice of dehumanization that took place in these camps were the beatings. The men could be beaten at any time whether the man, himself, did something wrong or simply an American victory. One example of the abuse that Louie and Phil

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