How To Be Rich In A Christmas Carol

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The pleasure of a brand new gift can feel thrilling, but that excitement fades away after six to eight weeks. New possessions, money, and power that one has cannot bring them happiness the way experiences can. Greed is America’s disease and halts the road of relationships, comfort, and happiness. It is like a speed bump in the road, precluding the process of coming closer with friends and family and connecting with others. This thirst for money and power will never be as fulfilling and worthy as an experience. Being rich in non-monetary terms such as love, passion, and family will bring happiness. As Dickens shows in A Christmas Carol, although possessions seem like they would bring joy, a misconception that even civilians in this century …show more content…

Fred, Scrooge’s nephew from A Christmas Carol states,“There are many things from which I have derived good, by which I have not profited, I dare say…” Fred is explaining to Scrooge that although Christmas time may not bring wealth and power, it brings even more value such as family. He is trying to show Scrooge that money is not what will bring oneself satisfaction, but that doing things for which one may not get credit and acknowledgement from may still be worthy. These will bring one happiness and a memorable experience instead. “Do the kinds of things that come from the heart. When you do, you won’t be dissatisfied, you won’t be envious, you won’t be longing for somebody else’s things. On the contrary, you will be overwhelmed with what comes back.” This quote from the article “Tuesdays with Morrie: The Eighth Tuesday We Talk About Money”is significant because it once again displays that doing things that come from inside one will make one feel proud of what one has done. This self satisfaction will help boost confidence and gives oneself pride. Longing for someone else’s belongings and being dissatisfied is not what this act will result in. On the contrary, one will be overcome with joy and generosity, overwhelmed with the happiness the deed returns to back to oneself. This also relates to what Fred said as to that although Christmas may not bring monetary value, but on the other hand brings value in others ways such as happiness with family and giving oneself satisfaction from doing nice things. These two explanations show that these experiences will bring self satisfaction to oneself and will be more worthy and memorable than any possession ever will

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