Greed In A Christmas Carol

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“Bah Humbug!” (Dickens 3) To some people, money is their only thought in life, or in other words, they’re greedy. He or she would need a life lesson to allow their mind to set straight on what’s right and what’s wrong. In A Christmas Carol, written by Charles Dickens, you see a man named Ebenezer Scrooge, who lives out as the person getting a lesson by play and movie. Sounding different, yet the same story, these two do have some minor differences, as well as major similarities in the climax, conflict, and resolution. In the play, Mr. Scrooge is a greedy man who thinks Christmas is “Bah Humbug!” (Dickens 3). His family has always wanted him to join them for a Christmas feast, but Mr. Scrooge has never wanted anything to do with Christmas. Marley, Mr. Scrooge’s old business partner, didn’t want Mr. Scrooge to end up like him with chains of greed attached to him when he died, so he sent Mr. Scrooge three spirits: Christmas Past, Present, and Future. Those three spirits visited each day to haunt him about his Christmases. Eventually, he traveled with two of the three spirits, but when the spirit of Christmas Future arrived, Mr. Scrooge realized that he would die in a few years. Ebenezer begged for mercy and promised to celebrate Christmas with joy and festivity. (Dickens 7-32) After the haunting with the spirits, Mr. Scrooge woke up and asked a boy what day it was. When the little boy, Adam, replied that it was Christmas, he ordered the boy In the play, A Christmas Carol, it started out with Marley speaking out to the audience, unlike the movie, where it just started out with Mr. Scrooge trudging through the snow. (Dickens 1) Another minor difference was in the play, the spirit of Christmas Past was a man, yet in the movie being a woman. (Dickens 11) During the visit of Christmas Past, Mr. Scrooge traveled through the past as another’s perspective, instead of his own. (Video

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